The ladies that own Switch-A-Roos Consignment, the largest, semi-annual children clothing and toys consignment event in the upstate, desperately needed a total redesign and navigation system for their website. We added quick link buttons on the site so consignors could quickly check the status of the money they are racking up at the consignment sales, all the sponsors and vendors are displayed properly, maps to the convention centers in Greenville and Spartanburg, and quick views of their new blog we set up, as well as their Facebook business page.

As if this was not enough, we then developed a web app by creating a QR code that when scanned from the website or some printed material with your smartphone, the link to the mobile web app can be opened directly and then the viewer is prompted to open the mobile site or share it for quick and easy access to check those sale numbers! Try it now!
Visit http://www.switcharoosconsignment.com for more information.